July 17, 2011

calligraphy || to make your heart stop

sometimes i come across things that incite an audible gasp. and then my heart stops for a second. coffee usually exacerbates this issue, so i have to drink half regular half decalf. it annoys husband to no end, but it's safer that way.

the above happened when i laid eyes on betsy's latest project reveal:

images via betsy dunlap

she is unnaturally talented. i'd be lying if i said that i don't want to be her with those mad skillz.


  1. Oh my...her calligraphy is beautiful. The inside of those envelopes and stamps are gorgeous as well!

  2. Those are just stunning. I especially love the map envelopes!

  3. amazing.... i just WISH my handwriting didn't look like a 5 year old :(

    blair @ scsd

  4. Oh its Art! My handwriting is abysmal, but I've been trying to put in a little effort to improve it. Maybe I should write more personal notes. I'll never reach her level though!


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