July 8, 2011

almost there

it's friday! did anyone else feel like this was an incredibly short week??

this weekend, i'm hoping to finish up some projects and do a little bit of this

via j.crew

a little bit of this with friends

and a whole lot of this with my step-daughter, who has been a busy bee this summer with little time to visit!
they start so young . . .

any big plans for your weekend?
whatever you do, hope you enjoy it!


  1. I want that dress! And the hat. And the lounger.

  2. showin some love today!
    Stop by!

    Sc @ scsd

  3. Gasp. Snow cones. This reminds me that I have yet to have one this summer. Fail.

    P.S. I love the title of your blog. Why? BECAUSE IT'S AWESOME.

    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  4. This sounds like the perfect weekend! Thank you for visiting La Boheme recently, so happy to have now found you too! Looking forward to following along :) xoxo

  5. great images! those snowcones look so good right now! xx

  6. I hope it was relaxing and wonderful!!

  7. Sounds like a lovely weekend! We decided to take it easy this part weekend, since there has been a lot going on lately!

    Love the striped dress in the first pic :-)


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